NMA magazine and tape index

This is an index of articles appearing in NMA magazine 1982 - 1992. Articles are listed by author and the issue in which they appeared. Works on the accompanying audiocassette are also listed by author. An incomplete listing of libraries holding NMA magazines and tapes can be found here. In the later issues, the complete text of some articles is reproduced. This is indicated by the hyperlink entries below. Additional articles may be added in future.

During 2006 the entire NMATAPES series 1 - 10 was progressively re-released on CD-R by Shame File Music, and made available for free download in mp3 format with included cover art. Thanks go to Clinton Green for arranging the new release.

For enquiries about the availability of NMA magazine back issues please use the contact link on the NMA home page.



NMA 1 magazine (1982)

editors Rainer Linz & Richard Vella.

Vella, Richard. An interview with Jon Rose. p2
Riddell, Alistair. The computer-controlled piano: new instrument, new performer. p.6
Berland, Jodie. Schoenberg, Weill, and the musical cause: once more into the fray. A discussion of methods and ideals. p10
Burt, Warren. How to be a great composer... p17
(Forum) Tonality: is the tonic on the rocks? p21
Kagel, Mauricio. On the artist's self-understanding and tasks. p28
Cox, Ian. Essendon Airport. p30
Gerrard, Graeme. Report: SYNST - an interactive synthesis program for the development of timbre. p34
Parish, Brian. Computer music from graphics: a brief report on research in progress at La Trobe university. p35
Hirst, David. The Brahmin's Son: an analysis. p37
Herzstein, Peter. A financial composition (in $flat minor). p41


Computer music, improvised work and computer controlled piano pieces.

Burt, Warren. Studies nos. 1 - 4 from `Studies'
Parish, Brian. Contours, clowns and shadows
Hirst, David. Brahmin's son
Gerrard, Graeme. Compost
Jenkins, John. Two piano pieces
Rose, Jon. Don't panic
Riddell, Alistair. ONE 1, ONE 1A; TWO 1, TWO 1A
Essendon Airport. Martial Art; What I like about disco



NMA 2 magazine (1983)

editors Rainer Linz & Graeme Gerrard.

Mann, Chris. Other. p3
Gerrard, Graeme. An interview with Ron Nagorcka. p4
Anti Music Pneumatic Drill no 52. p7
Knabb, Ken. from: Double reflection. p8
Althoff, Ernie. Music machines. p12
Chesworth, David. Music criticism: the discursive practice or `recreating the scene'. p13
Pollard, Mark C. Notturno: an analysis. p14
Gillies, John. TV scripts. p23
Linz, Rainer. Dysrhythmic etude/(dis)continuous music. p24
Gilbert, Les. The Genoa river, Wangarabel, a piece for the landscape. p26
Wishart, Trevor. Music/change, Red Bird/Anticredos. p30
Hopkins, Ted. Information killed John Lennon (insert).


Vocal, electronic, environmental and chamber music.

Mann, Chris. Subjective beats metaphor
Nagorcka, Ron. excerpt from `Atom Bomb'
Anti Music. Heures Roses
Pollard, Mark. Sweet exchanges
Gilles, John. Soundtrack from `mountain man'
Althoff, Ernie. Music machines
Gilbert, Les. The Genoa river Wangarabel, a piece for the landscape
Linz, Rainer. (Dis)continuous music



NMA 3 magazine (1984)

editors Drew Cottle, John Gillies, Noel Sanders & Richard Vella.

Potts, John. Dance mania: chaos or control? p2
Berland, Jody. Re/percussions: drumming in the age of electronic reproduction. P4
Cronly, Megan. From surf city to the entertainment centre. p12
Mordue, Mark. Fascist groove thang. p17
Cottle, Drew. Spaced out Sydney. p18
Baker, Lang. Pretext ("ding") - as prelude. p24
Cunneen, Chris. Music in the services of domination. p26
Perniola, Mario. The logic of seduction. p28
Mauries, Patrick. The kingdom of the tropics: a small mythology of disco. p32
Plum, Mark. Tres fache on entre OK on sort KO... to the dancehalls of Lagos. p36
Cottle, Drew. Dancing out the depression. p38
Vella, Richard. Lookin' for the beat. p 41
Lasica, Shelley. Opening to a discussion. p56


Tape work, electronic and theatre music, commercials.

Rose, Jon and Martin Wesley-Smith. Tango
Vella, Richard. Lookin' for the beat
Pearce, Trevor. excerpts form `Midday Moon'
Rue, Rik. Dub for St Rita
Oswald, John. Bird-funk-pause
The Makers of the Dead Travel Fast. Out and in; Three heads
Three Japanese Coke Ads
The Australian Bicentennial Authority. There's a whole lot better to come



NMA 4 magazine (1985)

editor Aline Scott-Maxwell

Fowler, Jennifer. My own ears. p3
Hopkins, Sarah. Whirlies, whirliworks and singing stunters. p7
Sanders, Noel. Discussion with Gillian Whitehead. p10
Woof, Barbara. Three works 1983 - 1985. p13
Wilkins, Caroline. An exploration of process. p17
Oliveros, Pauline. The contribution of women composers. p18
Blakey, Sue. Editions number one see. p20
Erickson, Susan. Teaching about women's music in an American University. p21
Friedl, Jan. Lights, mirrors and miniatures? p24
Calcutt, Bronwyn. Music theatre in aboriginal communities. p27
Bandt, Ros. Space and resonance as determinants of musical style and sound art: a personal view. p30
Hinterding, Joyce. Tuned to physical presence. p34
Stevens, Lynne. Helen Gifford: an interview. p35
Lagzdina, Vineta. A living art - performance. p38
John, Cindy. Disarray. p39
Morton, Kay. Captions. p41
Schieve, Catherine. Notes on music graphics. p43
Jo Truman and Trevor Wishart talk in a noisy London cafe, mid July 1985. p53
Hiscocks, Wendy. Music and the exhibition `Peace and nuclear war in the Australian landscape'. p55


Solo and chamber music, electronic and computer works, installations and improvised pieces.

Schieve, Catherine. Web
John, Cindy. Disarray
Fowler, Jennifer. Blow flute: answer echoes in antique lands dying
Bandt, Ros. excerpt from `Genesis'
Hiscocks, Wendy. excerpt from `Peace and nuclear war in the Australian landscape'
Hopkins, Sarah. Interweave
Lockwood, Annea. Shadow Burn
Woof, Barbara. Maldoror
Morton, Kay. Grin and Gesture
Wilkins, Caroline. Physarmonica
Lagzdina, Vineta. The black snake



NMA 5 magazine (1987)

editors Rainer Linz & Richard Vella

Anson, Stan. Old whines in new battles, or 20th century music and 18th Century reviewers. p3
Wilkins, Caroline. An approach to 19th century sound. p7
Oliveros, Pauline. The noetics of music. p8
Stewart, Amanda. On criticism. p9
Gillies, John. Cutout. p10
Cabrera, Densil. Interview with John Parnell. p11
Slavov, Brenda. Role of the artist I. p12
Greene, Paul. Role of the artist II. p13
Wood, Steve. The use of humour in music. p14
Marinis, Marco de. Dramaturgy of the audience. p17
Dyson, Fran. Sound e/scapes. p23
Erdonmez, Denise. Music as therapy. p26
Althoff, Ernie. "47 - 64". p29
Gilliland, A.R and H.T Moore. The immediate and long-term effects of classical and popular phonograph selections. p30
Linz, Rainer. No consolation. p35
Clayton, Syd. How I wrote How to Write a Chinese Poem which led me to the Great World. p36
Kahans, Daniel and Naomi Crafti. The evaluation of `art':analyses of audience responses to a series of multimedia plays. p43


Vocal, instrumental and electronic work.

Mann, Chris. The rationales
Linz, Rainer. Dysrhythmic etudes
THRGHT, SWSW. Running Risks
Clayton, Syd. Lucky number
Stewart, Amanda. N.AIM
Althoff, Ernie. Any questions?
Kahans, Daniel. Role reversal
Wilkins, Caroline. Piece for mechanical instruments
Gilles, John and Greg Hooper. To hear is to know
Cabrera, Densil. Interview with John Parnell



NMA 6 magazine (1988)

editor Alistair Riddell

Baker, Amanda. Computer music aesthetics: a composer's predicament. p3
Burt, Warren. Samples III for computer processed orchestra sounds. p7
Brophy, Philip. Sounding and sampling. p15
Riddell, Alistair. Towards a virtual piano action. p18
Mann, Chris. On not having read `Think! or perish! Towards a confident and productive Australia' by Donald Horne, Commission for the Future occasional paper. p24
Stelarc. Beyond the body. p27
Schiemer, Greg. Monophonic variations. p31
Rudolf, Mark. Notes on sociological and methodological stance with respect to music. p37
John, Cindy. Computers - performance of, and with. p39
Dick, C.H. A digital signal processor for the real-time processing of sound. p41
Gerrard, Graeme, R.P. Harris and David Hirst. Perspectives. p48


Computer and computer-assisted music.

Schiemer, Greg. Monophonic variations
Hirst, David. Epilogue from `Namelessness'
Riddell, Alistair. Black moon assails
Burt, Warren. Samples III
Rudolf, Mark. Beautiful but marred by the blemish of perpetual dissatisfaction
John, Cindy. Blowout
Baker, Amanda. `Dawn chorus' and `Dusk' from Birdsongs
Gerrard, Graeme. Harping



NMA 7 magazine (1989)

editor Rainer Linz

Cross, Burnett. Collaborating with Percy Grainger. p3
Gifford, Helen. Subliminal co-ordinates... drawing threads. p5
Gallagher, Ernie. AZ music. p9
Lipinski, Igor. The Rosenberg interview. p15
Barnard, Geoffrey. AZ it was. p17
Whiteoak, John. Interview with Keith Humble. p21
de Haan, Simone. Flederman - a retrospective assessment. p27
Schiemer, Greg. Towards a living tradition. p30
Althoff, Ernie. The Clifton Hill Community Music Centre: 1976 - 1983. p39
Nagorcka, Ron. Without the land there is no music, or why I live where I live. p44
Wilkins, Caroline. Some observations on Australian experimental music in the 80s. p46


Performance and radio pieces, environmental compositions, music theatre.

Althoff, Ernie and Graeme Davis. excerpt from `The long and the short of it'
Gallagher, Ernie. The Cambridge whistler
Schiemer, Greg. Polyphonic variations
Nagorcka, Ron. Liapatyenna
Rose, Jon. excerpt from `Instrumentum diabolicum'
Gallagher, Ernie. The Cambridge whistler (2)
Gifford, Helen. excerpt from `Regarding Faustus'
Humble, Keith. Arcade I
Grainger, Percy. excerpt from `The warriors'



NMA 8 magazine (1990)

editor Fran Dyson

Kahn, Douglas. Acoustic sculpture, deboned voices. p2
Cabrera, Densil. Recording and music notation as `artofficial' memory and thought. p8
Dyson, Fran. Transmitter bodies: aurality, corporeality, cuts and signals. p14
Andrews, Ian. Music, desire and the social. p20
Scott, Ashley. Phenomenal culture. p24
Lewis, Ruark. Ambient domestic sound . p28
Brassil, Joan. Musica speculativa and sculpture . p29
DeLys, Sherre. Untitled. p30
Vella, Richard. Two lectures: Music/theatre as a theatre of ideas . p32 Music and Representation. p34
reviews p39


Media and voice pieces, installation work.

Andrews, Ian. Clean; Caller 100
Dyson, Fran. Voice mix no 2
Cabrera, Densil. Ersatz
Vella, Richard. Let's funk
Brassil, Joan. Randomly - now and then
Scott, Ashley. Poem 10
Kahn, Douglas. Hotel
DeLys, Sherre. Untitled



NMA 9 magazine (1991)

editor Ross Bolleter

Lamb, Alan. Metaphysics of wire music. p3
Vickery, Lindsay. Two pieces and an overview. p7
Bolleter, Ross. An interview with Rob Muir. p10
Crotty, Nathan. A little bit of piano. p13
Mustard, Jonathan. Chaos works. p14
Bolleter, Ross. An interview with Lynne Mitchell. p16
Davies-Slate, Stuart. Some thoughts...reflections...on musical material. p18
Benfall, Stephen. 33 1/3 (or thereabouts). p21
Laskewicz, Zac. Using music as an open creative resource. p26
Bolleter, Ross and Rowan Hammond. Improvising with synchronistic experiences. p31


Improvised music, tape cut ups and collage, aeolian music.

Bolleter, Ross and Ryszard Ratajczak. That time (simulplay II)
Muir, Rob. With with it
Lamb, Alan. excerpt from `Night Passage'
Crotty, Nathan. A little bit of piano
Vickery, Lindsay. Blackpool tower
Davies-Slate, Stuart. Recitative and arias
Mustard, Jonathan. Automaton 1 & 2
Benfall, Stephen. Saxophone quartet (3rd mov't)
Hammond, Rowan. Minimbience


NMA 10

NMA 10 magazine (1992)

editor Rainer Linz

Wilkins, Caroline. Two works for solo accordion. p3
Mangin, Chris. On the occasion of 10 years of music publishing in Melbourne: a clarification of the Australia Council music publishing policy. p6
Duke, Jas H. Sounds, sound poetry, and sound/text compositions. p7
Greenwell, Andree. Notes on an opera. p12
Watson, Robert. A letter from Baal. p16
Lewis, Ruark. Th wa wi neve en. p17
Kouvaras, Linda. question time for the (post?) modern composer. p20
Linz, Rainer. An interview with Stelarc. p21
Mann, Chris. Changing the subject.
Riddell, Alistair. The chords of eternity. p28
Johnson, Bruce. Orality and jazz education. p39
Sorenson, Marie. Music in therapy. p44
Reviews (etc)... p47


Vocal, electronic and tape music, theatre works.

Machine for Making Sense. excerpt from `Changing the subject'
Wilkins, Caroline. Piece for accordion and screens
Stelarc. excerpt from `Hollow body/video probe'
Greenwell, Andree. excerpt from `Sweet Death'
Duke, Jas H. The economist's song
Rue, Rik. Tape manipulations
Lewis, Ruark. Th wa wi neve en
Riddell, Alistair. Incidents with accompaniment

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